Andrew Flack’s mother, Suzy, continues his legacy advocating for medical aid in dying in Illinois as legislature considers law

Andrew’s mom, Suzy Flack co-wrote a Chicago Tribune OpEd with Nilsa Centeno, another mother whose son, Miguelito, died of cancer. They are advocating for upcoming medical aid in dying legislation in Illinois. A law neither of their sons was able to access. Miguelito suffered at the end of his life. He recorded videos in English and Spanish to urge fellow Latinos to support future MAID legislation. Conversely, rather than return to Illinois to be with his family, Andrew stayed in California to access the End of Life Option Act. His family flew to him months before he chose to end his suffering. They were able to spend quality time together and surround him with their love as he passed.

You can read their article here. (Sorry, it’s behind a paywall)

Illinois End of Life Options for Terminally Ill Patients Act


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