Donation compilation

Your tax-deductible donation towards the completion of the film will help us bring awareness to the humanity inherent in having the choice of Medical Aid in Dying.


Take Me Out Feet First is fiscally sponsored by Creative Visions, a 501c3 nonprofit organization that supports creative activists, those that use the arts and media to ignite social change.

Quotes from our participants~

“There are fates worse than death”

“If you were given a death sentence, what would you do?”

“I desperately want to live....but I’m dying”

“You live, you live, you live.  It’s so comforting knowing that the option is there and I have control over what the ending will look like.” Trisha

“I hate to cook and I love to eat. It’s a good thing I’m the one that’s dying because I’d starve to death if Paul went first.” Lee

“I don’t see God being against dying with dignity.” Ralph

“Ultimately, I will have to find my own way.” Allyne

“There should be a “Cancer 101” course on etiquette for telling your friends and family. It’s the stuff we don’t talk about because it’s too scary.” Trisha

“There is joy in the the freedom of knowing when to choose to take the medicine and security in knowing the meds will work.” Matt

“What we all have is not fixable. I’m going to die one way or the other with this disease. I don’t get why you have to suffer for your religion.” Susan